I often hear people say that they lost their inspiration to do some really cool things. I call this the creative black hole. This feeling does not happen overnight. In fact, most people do not see it coming because many times the perpetrator of their creative death is their own routine. And once that feeling envelops you, it can be hard to break its monstrous grip. When staring down that hole, instead of succumbing to desperation and fear, a person should ask, “What can I do to get my creative mojo back?”
Creativity will not flow from being a cog in the wheel of the day-to-day grind. You have to shift the orbit of your thought processes if you want the light of new ideas to rise. Consider what inspired you in the first place. It probably was not something you did every day like brushing your teeth. Maybe it was a mistake, eating a new food, or even a breakup. Bam! You were inspired to do something new.
Flip your script!
It is not just about changing the routine, it is about embracing those things that cause you to think differently about your world. This means that you have to mentally travel to another creative space.
Doing the same thing over and over is creative murder.
People who are resistant to change are really in love with being unimaginative. Their romance with the mundane has created this coziness with mediocrity, cloaked in their daily grind. It is very deceptive because everything appears normal. It is even harder when you are making money off your dull routine.
The habit of remaining the same kills your ability to exercise your imagination to the fullest. When you desire to do something different, it seems virtually impossible, because your own routine has paralyzed your creativity.
This is how you flip your script: